Labels: catnip toys, Funny cats, playing cats, scratching posts
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Raw Food Diets For Cats
Once a month, the three cats get tuna. Now, you will here that tuna is not good, but none of my cats in twenty-five years have been to a vet for a sickness. My cats eat tomatoes, corn, green beans, lettuce, refried beans (yuk), any cooked meat and any other foods that we eat.
The dogs and the cats like to lick the beaters when we make taco dip. The dogs get the beaters and the cats lick out the bowl made of sour cream, cream cheese and taco seasoning. I know many people that feed their cats raw meat diets and they have healthy cats.
Labels: brush cats teeth, cat health, raw food diets for cats
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Cat Question Of The Day
If you find yourself with a stray cat, a pregnant stray cat that thinks your home is the perfect place to have her kittens, you may need to take some humane actions. You do not wan these kittens being born and growing up by your home. They will learn that this where to go to feel safe.
The best thing you could do is feed the mother cat so she stays healthy and around the area. Next, you should call the animal shelter to use a live trap to catch the stray cat. This should hopefully be done before she has her kittens. Once she is caught, the animal shelter will provide her with the necessary medical care and will make sure the kittens are raised as domestic house cats instead of strays or feral cats.
Labels: alpha male cat, animal shelter, cat questions, pregnant cat
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Cats Know When You Are Sick
The problem started last night when the bed started spinning for no reason. I had pressure in my ears and have had a problem hearing. Well a dog and cat were my comfort. They would not leave me no matter what I said or did. Today, I was at home and they were still with me and would not leave. I have never had so many kisses from Jasmine before today. I did teach her how to give kisses when she was little, but she gives them out very rarely. Cats I guess do know when you are sick and need their love.
Labels: brush cats teeth, catsknow when you are sick, smart cats
Monday, May 19, 2008
Understanding A Siamese Cat
I had a Siamese cat for 16 years before she developed an intestinal problem. She was the best cat in the world. She was loving to my two kids, my boyfriend and me. I go her when she was six weeks old and she was so adorable, you could not ask for a funnier kitten. When strangers came in the house she would go to bed and not come out until everyone was gone.
The only time she would come out of the bedroom was whenever my mom came over. My mom hated cats and my Siamese must have sensed this, would jump up and smell her, and would not leave her alone. It was always amazing to watch because she basically only liked the people who lived in the house.
Siamese can be turned off by visitors, but some are eager to have anyone pet them. I guess it is the way they are raised because I have two cats right now that hide whenever people come over and one that loves to be petted by anyone that will have him.
So it is not just a Siamese cat breed that does not like other people. All cats can be this way.
Labels: siamese cat, siamese cat breed
Saturday, May 17, 2008
A Very Unusual Cat Question
This funny cat question amazed me. I thought I was the only one with strange animals, but I never had a cat that did this peculiar thing. A male cat will sometimes do this to show that they are the alpha male of the house. Since he does it to husband's leg, I can only believe he is showing who is boss. If he was not neutered the answer would be simple, but since he is neutered, one can only believe that he is showing who rules the nest.
Another reason that a cat will do this is because they are actually getting the area ready to lie down in. However, because it is also being done to a person, dominance appears to be the reason. The cat is only being a cat it appears.
I would suggest getting rid of the husband, but that is probably not an option. You do not want to get rid of the cat as well. The cat needs to show he is the boss and sometimes that could be hard to stop. You might try some behavior training. Cats are not always cooperative with training for behavior problems, so you might have a few problems with that area.
Labels: alpha male cat, cat nuetering, male cat
Friday, May 16, 2008
Some Questions About Getting Cats
If you want to have two cats, you could get two cats from the same litter as long as you have them fixed as soon as possible. This is what happened with my Bella. The person that had a brother and sister did not have them fixed and they mated. The result was six unwanted kittens by the owner who left them at my daughter's house to get rid of. I would get two cats from the same litter if I did not have three cats already.
The answer is yes if you have the room and want them to each have a playmate, but know if you are not going to have them fixed. This is true even if they are the same sex. You do not want spraying all over by the males and intense crying by the females when they go into heat.
Would only one cat get lonely without another feline companion?
Cats never seem to be only. I had only one cat for about three years. She is independent and did not care whether or not she had anyone to play with because she had me. She did get a little upset when I started bringing new kittens home but she adjusted in a couple of days. The choice is really up to you whether you want to have one or two cats.
May I suggest that you look at your local Humane Society for some kittens or older cats before looking at a private party for adoption. So many cats and kittens need homes. You might even find two that you will fall in lobe with.
Labels: Funny cats, humane society, lonely cats, two cats
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Ten Tips For A Healthy And Happy Cat
To keep your cat healthy and happy, you should follow these ten tips. Your cat will be happy and so will you.
Pet your cat when he or she comes by you.
Call your cat by their name when you want them to come by you.
Feed your cat daily and throw in a few cat treats for rewards.
Give your cat fresh and clean water every day.
Keep your cats litter box clean and free of cat feces.
Hold your cat on your lap when you can.
Plant some grass gardens in the house, so your indoor cat can eat grass to help with digestion.
Make sure your home is cat proof.
Never yell at your cat even when they are bad. A soft voice and a stern "no" will work.
When you are gone, place something with your scent on it on a chair or the floor for the cat to sleep on.
Labels: healthy cat, taking care of a cat, tips for cat owners
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Cat Intelligence
If the cat would get outside, it will naturally hunt for food. Even the best-fed cat indoors will still have that instinct to hunt for food. It may not eat its catch, but it will have the memory of how to hunt and bring home the catch.
If the cat would have a bad experience with a dog, it will retain that memory and believe that all dogs are bad and should be avoided. It may have had to defend itself from the dog and will continue to do this for every dog. You can however, teach the cat that the dog is nice by introducing them to each other for a few minutes every day.
Cat intelligence is higher than a humans is. If you cat has heard you rattle a bag and then produce a treat for them, they will come running every time you bring home a bag, even if it only happened once or twice. They associate that sound with a treat. You will be surprised at what your cat remembers.
Labels: cat intelligence, cats and dogs, memory cats, smart cats
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Caring For Your Feline
Most cats are not going to let you brush there teeth unless you have started the practice when they were a kitten. You can take your cat to a vet for teeth cleaning or you can use a anti-plaque spray found at many pet stores. There are also cat treats especially for dental care.
How can I get rid of fleas on my cat?
If your cat has fleas, you have to use some type of flea and tick applications. I use Frontline on all my cats and dogs. I have never had a problem with fleas since I started using the Frontline product. The product does ask for the weight of your dog or cat. It is very important that you choose the right dose for the weight of the animal. Kittens have to be a certain age to use Frontline as well. I get mine from my vet's office or you can look at any pet store.
Labels: brush cats teeth, fleas, frontline, smart cats
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Some Questions And Answers About Cats
Sometimes stopping the cat from using the potted plant as a litter box is hard to do. The first thing you have to do is remove all the soil and use fresh new soil. You have to remove all of the cat urine from the plant so the cat will not smell the urine. The next thing you can do is use a cat repellent that is safe for plants.
If you are thinking about something cheaper, you could use tin foil placed on top of the soil. Cats do not like to walk on tin foil. You could also use pepper spread around the top of the soil. If the cat is persistent, you might have to move the plant to a new location that is not easy for the cat to access.
Do I have to let my cat go into heat before I have her spay?
The answer is no. Things have changed with the way vets treat spaying cats. It is no longer necessary to allow your cats to go into their first heat before getting them spayed. You will have to check with your local vet to make sure what the age requirement is for spaying the cat. Every vet has a different age requirement.
Labels: cat litter box, cat questions, litter box, spay cat
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Plants and Your Cats
Here is a list of some of the plants that are poisonous to cats and should be kept out of your home, or you need to keep your cats away from them to protect their health.
• hydrangea• iris• ivy• Jack-in-the-pulpit• Janet Craig dracaena• Japanese show lily• larkspur• lily of the valley• Madagascar dragon tree• marble queen• marijuana• miniature croton• mistletoe• mother-in-law's tongue• narcissus• oriental lily• peace lily• pencil cactus• periwinkle• philodendron• plumosa fern• poinsettia• primrose• rhododendron• ribbon plant• rubber plants• sago palm• spider plant• string of pearls• striped dracaena• sweetheart ivy• tiger lily• tulip (especially the bulb)
Labels: cats health, Plants, protect cats, smarts cats
Friday, May 9, 2008
List Of Things To Keep Away From Cats
Here is a partial list of things to keep away from cats. You can see by this list that there are many things to keep out of the reach of the cat. If you have something not listed on this list, chances are that you should keep it away from your cats as well.
Ant/bug traps and baits
Anti-flea foggers
Anti-rust agents
Automobile batteries
Bath oil
Boric acid
Brake fluid
Cleaning products
Cockroach poison or bait
De-icers (to melt snow)
Drain cleaners
Drugs of any kind
Dry-cleaning fluid
Fire-extinguisher foam
Flea spray, powder or shampoo
Furniture polish
Hair coloring
Insect repellents
Lamp oil
Lead-based ceramics and paint
Lighter fluid
Metal polish
Mineral spirits
Moth repellents
Motor oil
Nail polish
Nail polish remover
Paint remover
Permanent-wave lotion
Pine-based cleaners
Pine-oil products
Plant food
Rat/rodent poisons
Road salt
Rubbing alcohol
Rust remover
Shoe polish
Stain removers
Swimming-pool products
Suntan lotion with cocoa butter
Weed killers
Windshield-washer fluid
Wood preservatives
Labels: cat health, harmful to cat, healthy cat
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Is Your House Cat Proof
To make sure your cats will remain safe, you need to put away anything that will attract the cat or put any plants up high away from tables and chairs so the cat cannot reach them. Cats are adventurous creatures and want to explore and will get into trouble.
Cats will naturally chew on cords if they are not secured. The best thing to do is to hide the cords as best you can and then provide enough toys for the cat to play with instead of seeking out something that is bad for them.
Make sure the oven or stove burners are always turned off when not in use. Many cats seek out heat and can be severely injured if they were to jump on the stove for heat. Treat your home the way you would if you were bringing home a new baby. They can get into just as many things as a baby can and it could result in injury.
Labels: cat proof, cats, house cat, smart cats
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Cats In Need Of A Home
If you want a cat, you should always look at the shelters before going to pick out a kitten from a accidental breeder. If people do not think about their cats and get them fixed, the world is going to be over run with cats and more cats will have to be put down. This is sad and shameful. Look at a shelter and give a kitten or a cat a home they so desperately need. Make sure the cat is fixed and if not, get it done right away.
Labels: animal shelter, cats, cats need homes, shelter cats
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Interesting Cat Questions
The answer is no. Dog food has different ingredients and nutritional values than what a cat needs. Cats need to eat a well-balanced diet that is supplied in cat foods.
Now, this does not mean that cats will not eat dog food. I have two dogs that eat Pedigreed dog food and my three cats are always eating the dog food. I have seen this in all my cats. Of course, my dogs love to eat all the cat food as well. I guess they all get even with each other. However, each pet needs to have a proper diet to grow healthy and strong
Why Do Cats Kill There Young Kittens?
There are many reasons why a mother cat will kill your kittens. The number one reason is that the kittens might be sick. A mother cat will kill her kittens if they are sick. This is true of most all animals.
Another reason could be that the mother cat feels threatened. When she feels that her kittens are in danger, she may kill them. This is her way of protecting them from harm.
Cats are very fussy when it comes to their young. It is wise to keep male cats away from a new litter of kittens until they are older. The mother will take care of them until they are old enough to fend for themselves.
Labels: cats kill the kittens, dog food and cat food, mother cat, smart cats
Monday, May 5, 2008
Cat Questions For Thought
A female cat can go into heat as early as four months old and it can last for seven to ten days. This heat cycle can repeat every few weeks until she is spayed or mated with a male.
If you do not plan to mate the cat, you should have the female spayed as soon as you are able too. You do not have to wait until they go into heat before you have the female spayed.
It is a smart choice to have all cats spayed and neutered because there are so many unwanted cats at shelters that need homes.
Do Cats Understand What I Say?
I have always had cats that understood what I was saying. I start talking to saying their names to them for the first few days so that they learn their names, then I work on simple commands and they all have learned very quickly. Since cats have such good memories, it is easy to train them easy commands, training them to be good is another story, they do have a mind of there own.
Labels: cat are smart, cats in heat, cats understand what I say, smart cats