Plants and Your Cats
Many people do not have any idea what plants are dangerous to cats. The houseplant that your kitty likes to play with might be as unhealthy for the cat as it is for the plant to play with. Many houseplants are found to be deadly to cats. If you need to keep your cats out of the planters, you can use some cat repellent or even something from your kitchen such as pepper sauce or black pepper.
Here is a list of some of the plants that are poisonous to cats and should be kept out of your home, or you need to keep your cats away from them to protect their health.
• hydrangea• iris• ivy• Jack-in-the-pulpit• Janet Craig dracaena• Japanese show lily• larkspur• lily of the valley• Madagascar dragon tree• marble queen• marijuana• miniature croton• mistletoe• mother-in-law's tongue• narcissus• oriental lily• peace lily• pencil cactus• periwinkle• philodendron• plumosa fern• poinsettia• primrose• rhododendron• ribbon plant• rubber plants• sago palm• spider plant• string of pearls• striped dracaena• sweetheart ivy• tiger lily• tulip (especially the bulb)
Here is a list of some of the plants that are poisonous to cats and should be kept out of your home, or you need to keep your cats away from them to protect their health.
• hydrangea• iris• ivy• Jack-in-the-pulpit• Janet Craig dracaena• Japanese show lily• larkspur• lily of the valley• Madagascar dragon tree• marble queen• marijuana• miniature croton• mistletoe• mother-in-law's tongue• narcissus• oriental lily• peace lily• pencil cactus• periwinkle• philodendron• plumosa fern• poinsettia• primrose• rhododendron• ribbon plant• rubber plants• sago palm• spider plant• string of pearls• striped dracaena• sweetheart ivy• tiger lily• tulip (especially the bulb)
Labels: cats health, Plants, protect cats, smarts cats

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