Tripping Over Cats
My cats seem to think that my feet have eyes and can see when they run in front of me when I am walking. This causes problems for both of us and usually I am the one that gets hurt. My feet do not have eyes and I do not walk with my head down, which maybe I should. I always taught to walk with your head up and your shoulders back, but I am rethinking this way of walking.
Jasmine is the worst. She has a habit of racing me to the bathroom. For some reason, this cat can be upstairs sleeping and know when I am head to the bathroom, which is downstairs. She upstairs and comes flying down the stairs and right in front of me. Now, she is not a quiet cat when she runs, but when she gets in the bathroom she turns around and walks right in front of me yes, she trips me.
This has been happening for so long that you would think that I would have padded walls in the bathroom by now to protect my body when I fly into the walls so I do not hurt her. I have never broken anything, but I have managed to cause myself some pain.
All this racing to the bathroom is so when I sit down on the toilet, I can rub her and pet her. If I don't she lets me know she is upset. She sticks her paw with her claws out on my leg and pulls at me to do what she wants. The end result is that she gets what she wants and I get little holes in my skin where the claws started going in until she got her way.
Yes, I must really love my cats. They get their way every time and they know how to do it.
Labels: cat are smart, cat claws, Funny cats, petting cats, playing cats, smart cats

At September 3, 2008 at 6:59 PM ,
PurrPrints said...
I know--this trait of my cats has proven awful for my posture--now i constantly walk with my head down--and one, who likes to dart right in front of me just as I begin going down the stairs, has still managed to almost break my neck a few times--lol
At September 4, 2008 at 8:04 AM ,
Anonymous said...
This is the one thing I really hate about cats. I'm one of these women who wears skirts down around their ankles by choice, the gypsy type - there's no way you can see the cat until it's too late and you're smarting from tripping over and banging some body part into the wall. I know, if he wraps himself around my legs he probably loves me (or is hoping for extra tidbits) but still ....
At September 5, 2008 at 10:06 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Just a little tip for those of you with stairs in your homes. I've noticed that my 2 cats have to go up and down with me, and of course they are running. But I also noticed that they always stick to the wall until they get to the top or bottom, so I always walk in the middle of the stairs.
And I think its a universal thing that all cats will follow you to the bathroom. My youngest cat really doesn't care for me most of the time, but if I'm on the toilet, I am his best friend. First I am expected to pet him, then I must turn on the water so he can have a drink. Amazing how the bathroom can bring us together!!!
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