Do You Remember This Cat
I wrote this a while ago for another site, but decided to bring it back because of the need to remember that cats that are unwanted need to be taken to a shelter and not discarded like an old piece of furniture.
You know that cute little kitty you had sitting on your lap for the first three months until she started getting bigger. You remember, she was the one who loved you unconditionally. She purred at the site of you, when you touched her she purred and melted right into your lap. That beautiful little kitten was growing up and she loved you so much. She was a good kitty who was litter trained and wanted to be with you and make you feel loved just like she was. You remember her, her name was Saddy. She would come when you called her name and purr up a storm.
She was your beautiful little calico kitten who was becoming a big girl. She needed to be spayed and have her claws taken care of so she did not claw the furniture. She loved to play with her catnip toys. Oh, how she rolled around having so much fun. She was so cute to watch play. You remember Saddy, she was your cat. Oh, that cat was your true companion. She made you smile and laugh. She taught you that anybody could love a pet so much that it hurts when they are gone.
Do you remember her now? You decided that you did not want to spend the money to get her spay and declawed so you took her out in the country and dropped her off. Don’t tell me you have forgotten her already. She loved you and trusted you. She was a beautiful and loving little girl. I know you have to remember the unconditional love she gave you.
After you dropped Saddy off in the middle of nowhere, I was riding down the road and hit her by accident. Do you even care? Do you remember her? She loved you and you left her to die. I tried to save her. I rushed her to a vet and it was too late, she was looking at me with those beautiful big eyes, wanting to know where her mom was. She was going to die and she wanted you, her mom, even though you killed her by dropping her off.
I was crying so hard I was no comfort to her. I had accidentally hit this poor little girl that you left for me to find. I could not control myself any longer. I had to leave her. The vet put her down. I hope you know that she was looking for you with sadness in her eyes. Do you remember her? She was your beloved kitty that got to be more than what you wanted. She wanted love and you, I don’t know what you wanted, but I guess it was not her.
You could have given her to me or to the humane society. She would have found a new mom. Someone would have loved her unconditionally as well. She was adorable and you left her to die a horrible death of pain and sadness. Do you remember her name? Her name was Saddy and she is in heaven now with all the other unwanted and abandoned pets. Remember her now?
You know that cute little kitty you had sitting on your lap for the first three months until she started getting bigger. You remember, she was the one who loved you unconditionally. She purred at the site of you, when you touched her she purred and melted right into your lap. That beautiful little kitten was growing up and she loved you so much. She was a good kitty who was litter trained and wanted to be with you and make you feel loved just like she was. You remember her, her name was Saddy. She would come when you called her name and purr up a storm.
She was your beautiful little calico kitten who was becoming a big girl. She needed to be spayed and have her claws taken care of so she did not claw the furniture. She loved to play with her catnip toys. Oh, how she rolled around having so much fun. She was so cute to watch play. You remember Saddy, she was your cat. Oh, that cat was your true companion. She made you smile and laugh. She taught you that anybody could love a pet so much that it hurts when they are gone.
Do you remember her now? You decided that you did not want to spend the money to get her spay and declawed so you took her out in the country and dropped her off. Don’t tell me you have forgotten her already. She loved you and trusted you. She was a beautiful and loving little girl. I know you have to remember the unconditional love she gave you.
After you dropped Saddy off in the middle of nowhere, I was riding down the road and hit her by accident. Do you even care? Do you remember her? She loved you and you left her to die. I tried to save her. I rushed her to a vet and it was too late, she was looking at me with those beautiful big eyes, wanting to know where her mom was. She was going to die and she wanted you, her mom, even though you killed her by dropping her off.
I was crying so hard I was no comfort to her. I had accidentally hit this poor little girl that you left for me to find. I could not control myself any longer. I had to leave her. The vet put her down. I hope you know that she was looking for you with sadness in her eyes. Do you remember her? She was your beloved kitty that got to be more than what you wanted. She wanted love and you, I don’t know what you wanted, but I guess it was not her.
You could have given her to me or to the humane society. She would have found a new mom. Someone would have loved her unconditionally as well. She was adorable and you left her to die a horrible death of pain and sadness. Do you remember her name? Her name was Saddy and she is in heaven now with all the other unwanted and abandoned pets. Remember her now?
Labels: animal abuse, Calico kitten, cat abandonment, cat abuse, remember this cat

At August 20, 2008 at 1:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh lord you done it now and made me cry. I have 3 cats of my own and they even sleep with my husband and me. I have pics if you ever want to see. I am a big animal lover. I cry on the side of the road at seeing an animal that has been hit.
At August 20, 2008 at 2:31 PM ,
Blondie Writes - Pamela said...
I cried writing it and then I cry every time I read it. I would love to see pictures of your cats.
At August 20, 2008 at 5:11 PM ,
Lux said...
My mom got tears in her eyes, too.
At August 22, 2008 at 9:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I got teary eyed reading this. I grew up way out in the country where this is very, very common. One late night I was driving home and saw this white thing in the street. I thought it was trash or something. I swerved around it then saw another white thing. I stopped to check it out because I just had this feeling. There was one mother cat (whose milk had actually run out from starving), a torn up cardboard box, and TEN kittens. Fortunately all were alive. I gathered everyone up and-much to my parents chagrin-took them all home and put them in the garage with some overcooked grits and smashed up, moistened regular cat food (all I had). I got kitten food and cleaned them up. They stayed in my garage for a week. Then I took this sweet as pie mamma cat and all her pure white kittens, plus the few that didn't look like her own, to the local grocery store. My dad and I sat in front of the store for 7 hours and gave away all the kitties. No shelter would take them as their kitty openings were full. I hated giving them to strangers, but at least they got a better second chance than being left on the side of the road.
At August 23, 2008 at 10:14 AM ,
Blondie Writes - Pamela said...
Diane, you may have given the kittens to strangers, but at least they were off the road where they would have been victims of a car accident. You did a wonderful thing by gathering them all up and saving them.
At August 24, 2008 at 9:43 PM ,
Anonymous said...
You did a wonderful thing helping this creature escape a painful and lonely death.
I am not naive and I know there are terrible & cruel people that will turn a pet out on the street but....
...not all animals are dumped -some are missing and missed and we should not judge.
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